
Unpublished is a powerful platform designed to support independent artists in elevating their music productions.
It empowers artists to promote their work without relying on record labels. With a vibrant community, personalized profiles, and direct fan engagement, Unpublished offers the tools and resources needed for artists to thrive independently. By providing features such as selling samples, boosting tracks, and showcasing unsigned music, Unpublished is the ideal platform for artists to gain exposure and take control of their music careers.


Based on my personal experience in the music industry, I understand the challenges independent artists face in gaining recognition. Even with talent, securing a contract with a major record label is tough. Existing platforms are dominated by major labels, making it difficult to promote independent music.


"Unpublished" is a groundbreaking music production app that empowers independent artists to share their music, connect with a community of fellow artists, and gain visibility without relying on record labels. With "Unpublished," artists can showcase their talent, gain recognition, and start on equal footing with other artists .

User Research

My research aimed to explore the challenges faced by fellow musicians when it comes to publishing their music and gaining exposure. As someone who has experienced these difficulties firsthand, I was eager to see if other artists faced similar obstacles. The results of the research confirmed what I suspected - many artists struggle to get their music published and gain the exposure they need to succeed.
With which platforms your music is published?
Do you satisfy from theresults in this platforms?
Not satisfy
Is your music signed with labels?
Not signed
Do you happy with the exposure of your music overall?
Not Happy



Music producer
Craig is an experienced music producer and sound engineer with a passion for creating high-quality music. He is looking to boost his career and reach a wider audience with the help of innovative platforms like "Unpublished."
Pain Points
Lack of exposure has been a significant challenge for him in promoting his music and selling his sounds. Insufficient visibility has hindered his ability to reach a wider audience and gain recognition for his talent.
His main goal is to gain exposure for his music, connect with talented artists, and monetize his talent by selling his personal sounds.


Music producer & Dj
Jake is a 35-year-old music producer and DJ based in Los Angeles. He has been in the music industry for over a decade, working with various artists and producing music for clubs and events.
Pain Points
faces the ongoing challenge of struggling to find fresh and unique music. He finds it difficult to come across new and undiscovered artists who offer a unique sound.
Jake is always on the lookout for fresh talent and new sounds. He wants to discover independent artists who may not have the backing of major record labels but have unique music to offer.

Information Architecture

Visual Identification

My goal for "Unpublished" was to create a user-friendly interface that evokes a cozy and inviting atmosphere for music enthusiasts. I achieved this by incorporating engaging design elements, warm colors, and seamless functionality to create a visually appealing platform that artists can use to connect, create and share their music.

